Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Roads Are a Series of Zig Zag's

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A collage of pictures of my 4 boys.  Maximilian "Max", Blake, Nico and Christopher. (May 2020) 

June 30, 2020

Roads are a series of zig zags. Depending on how you zig, then zag, the results will indicate if you made the correct decision.

Traveling  in one place and traveling on a straight path to our destination sounds pretty ideal. No one wants heartache and hardships to define their life. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. I suppose that is what people say.

But alas, life will throw us a curveball, which will create friction and cause us to zig zag and end up in a different location.

I guess there was hope that one of the moves would lead me to add something good and beneficial to my daily life. I feel that sometimes I earned, even deserved, good fortune. I’m a good guy. Can’t I zig zag into the lottery win? I guess I ought to play the lotto to test my theory.

When pain and suffering is thrown at me, I have navigated through that zig zag dilemma through hardship and growth. I even started this blog and threw all my emotions out there for the world to see. Did I ever imagine anyone would care? After all, everyone has their own story of ups and downs, good times and bad times, shouldn’t they zig zag into a lottery win?

I don’t know how luck finds some people. Did they zig zag at all? Is there a future price to pay for his or her success? Was their work ethic better than mine? So many questions and not enough answers. I know this blog is definitely too much over thinking on my behalf.

I can tell you I get tired of building but then, I don’t want to stop growing. I enjoy my job, but I want more free time to do what I want. I’d like to travel more, but enjoy the comfort of home. I want to do less, but I’m motivated to do more. I like money, and wish to earn more. I like that path I travel, but I don’t mind if I have to zig zag into another direction.

Levels of growth. Paths to travel. High roads to take. Decisions to make. Experiences that enhanced my travels. These things have meant everything to me, and I understand my issues mean little to many others in my life, who have their own problems.  I also can't expect perfect strangers, who read my blog, to care
 about my road to perdition. But maybe with a little understanding about me the reader will understand how common our travels can be.  Hopefully you can empathize more about my personal zig zags throughout my life, and another person's life, while understanding that most of us endure the same everyday problems.  Then we can use each experience as teaching tools to learn about how difficult it has been to solve a problem.  I may not be rich unfortunately, a majority of us our not, but I can tell you that some paths travelled are worn because there is more that binds us together than that which divides us. 

My path in life has had a lifetime of taking off in different directions.  I may not have been born rich.  Or bred from birth to be idolized, and have money thrown at me for starting a trend.  Those worlds are what I would consider to be, la la land.  Dining with the rich and famous may not be in my future.  A book deal probably isn’t close at hand.  But all of us should be grateful that our personal zig zags have extended our travels, to be here, in this moment of now, because regardless of status, eventually these roads traveled will be zig zaging without us. 

Captain Imperfecto holding his new son (#4) Max while Blake looks on. June 14, 2020.

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