Tuesday, October 27, 2015

313, A Halloween Short Story part II

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Christopher trying on his Halloween costume. Paw Patrol! Chase on the case. 

October 28, 2015

The older brother grabbed on old BBQ grill from the backyard that was hadn’t been used in years. Their dad surly wouldn’t miss it. It was small and round with 2 wheels and a handle so it wasn’t too hard to move. He located some charcoal, ready light and an old lighter in the shed. Quietly and without being seen he was able to set the grill up in an empty field not too far from the scary house.

He pushed and pulled the grill into a good spot where he wouldn’t be seen. His little bother hid around the corner reading the crayon colored map the showed exactly where to place his cameras. He just waited for a sign from his bother. That is when the distraction would be set and for him to act.

The older brother looked around and quickly placed the charcoal in the grill. Suddenly he heard someone walking by and he stood quietly, bag still in hand, waiting for them to walk by. Did they hear him? The thick branches of the tree would surly hide him, wouldn’t they?

Finally there was silence. He grabbed the lighter and lit the charcoal on fire and placed the lid on top of it. He peered out of the trees and when he saw that no one was looking he ran to his position, out of sight of the house, but close enough to place his camera out once their plan was set in motion.

The wind blew and swayed the trees but there was no smoke yet. Had the fire gone out? Should he go back and relight it. Would the house see him this time? He was afraid to move. There was no way to communicate with his little bother. He could only hope that his brother had enough patience to wait for the signal of heavy smoke that they agree upon.

The older brother was about to give up and wait until another day since the grill was set in place and hidden for easy access for another day. But then it happened. A poof of white smoke pooped out of the canopy of trees. The white smoke drifted above the horizon. Steadily the intermitted smoke closed the gap from its distance of the grill and it began to billow out causing a chaotic scene that there could be a fire in the area.

“Fire!” A woman shouted.

“Call, 9-1-1!” another neighbor yelled.

The brothers’ held fast waiting for the moment the fire trucks arrived. They knew that the house would be too distracted by the emergency vehicles to see them climbing trees and mounting their cameras.
The first fire truck arrived. It was a big engine, with 3 firefighters all decked out in their fighting gear. The first one jumped off and prepared to open a fire hydrant that was mounted next to 313.

“I can’t open it,” she yelled.

A fellow firefighter ran over to help her. They grabbed the large wrench and pushed together but it wouldn’t budge. A lightly laugh could be heard. The house was mocking them.


A slight wind was casted towards the hydrant and the water flow loosened at a fast pace sending both fighter fighters towards the ground where they landed in a thud on the sidewalk. Water gushed out into the street.

“We need water,” the nozzle man shouted.

The two firefighters stood up by the hydrant and stumbled to the wrench handle.

“1,2,3,” she shouted.

They tried again to turn off the water to attach the hose. And again a whoosh of wind sent them careening into the street. The water was off. The house at 313 rumbled with laughter.

The smoke was thicker and billowed out faster the wind mixed the smoke throughout the neighborhood. People came out to see what was going on in their once quite community.

“Will you attach that hose to the hydrant,” a fire fighter yelled.

“Got it, I got it,” she yelled.

She twisted the nozzle lock to the right in order to attach the hose but once she let the metal cylinder go it would spin back to the left. She’d try again. But it would not stay attached.

The boys seized their moment and ran to their position. The little brother scaled the tree right across the street from 313. He got to the highest part and clearest view of the house and started to mount his camera. His older brother ran into the backyard of the house directly behind 313 and climbed their orange tree. When he got to the best possible spot he attached his camera. But instead of leaving he lingered about. He had the perfect spot to see the distraction they both concocted. The smoke from the grill flooded the streets and people gathered to see it. He scanned his surroundings until he looked directly had 313.

The wind started to shift. The tree began to shake and sway from side to side. Oranges started falling from the tree. Had the ghost inside seen him? Are they trying to shake him out? He became scared and scurried down from his perch as fast as he could. The cameras were set. This Halloween the boys were determined to show 313 for what it really was: a house for lost souls.

No fear here as Christopher jumps in the pool.

© copyright 2015, Captain Imperfecto, LLC. All rights reserved. 

For Part III Click here: 313 III » Short Story

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