Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Dare to Dream

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July 3rd, 2012


I'm in my fishbowl of life, gawking at the shadowy faces examining me through the glass encasement. The tapping on the tempered glass sends vibrations through the water, magnifying its big "bang," causing me to run around my bowl seeking shelter. There is nowhere to hide; there is more glass everywhere I turn. All four sides surround me. I take refuge in the center of my tank, hoping the sound will dissipate before it reaches me but to no avail. The shock waves are being sent through the fluid, moving me from side to side. I'm not the big fish in my solitude. Bigger fish are out there waiting to take advantage of the weaker ones like me. But I do my best to overcome adversity and get back to doing what I can to survive despite those predators. Like everyone else, I want to get by and live a happy life. Forgoing any hardship and pain that one encounters in a lifetime. To feel brand new again. 

I have learned throughout life that no one just gives it to you. You must search deep inside yourself and find the strength to pull yourself up and out, leaving your glass encasement behind.

Close your eyes. Believe you can do it. Feel your heartbeat, the blood pulsating through your veins, the adrenaline flowing through your fingertips, and get the nerves to fight through life.

The world is promised to no one, yet we wait for someone to give it to us. Believe in yourself, that you can do it, and get out of your confinement. Breathe new air and trust yourself to make the best decisions for you and your loved ones. And love those who otherwise do not love themselves because your love may be all they need to break through and move beyond the misery that they find themselves in.

The strain of life places us on a string and pulls on us every day. And every day, we pull back, trying to save what remains slack life and is willing to surrender. It's a tug-a-war between being sane and insanity, but all you have to do is be optimistic that things will be okay. You must realize that no matter what happens today, there is still life tomorrow, and you must learn to put the past behind you. I dare you to stop tugging on that rope and just place one foot in front of the other and trust yourself to walk out, letting go of the tie that binds you. The rope gives you a false sense of security that if you hold on tight, you won't go over the edge of unhappiness. If you're already at the edge, then it won't matter how hard you hold on; you're just going to get rope burned and fall over and not only be unhappy, but now you have bloody hands. Trust yourself. I dare you to believe in your abilities that YOU can make everything okay because no one cares more than you.

When you close your eyes at night, your mind is busy with life's troubles, preventing you from getting a good night's rest. Do your best to be positive in your heart. Know that you'll be okay as long as you keep breathing. Provide the oxygen that will sustain your cells and push your blood. Get lost in your subconscious and live between sleep and alertness. Allow the sensation of flying to set in and glide over the mountains and oceans. Launch yourself into the sky and fly among the birds. Spread your arms like wings and dive down towards the lakes, see the fish scatter like you're a bird of prey, enjoy the moment, and believe in your strength. Allow the wind to lift you up and guide you in the direction you want to go. Seek out your goals and dreams as you fly over them, then fall asleep.

Today is a new day. There is life. I dare you to use your wings to guide you into the direction you thought you could only dream about. And if you can't fly today, then live to fly another day. I dare you to live your dreams.

Creative Commons License

Christopher Fusaro. The author of Captain Imperfecto.

© Copyright 2012- 2024 Captain Imperfecto, LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished, rewritten or redistributed without permission.  Please contact if you would like to re-publish in film, television or print. 

Also see us at www.captainimperfecto.com


  1. Dear Chris, I am sorry you feel you live in a fishbowl for all to see. The transparency is real and we all gaze in to perhaps feel a part of something or to feel some strange need we have and we take from you and you keep on giving and challenging us to live and feel and be. thankyou my sweet friend......for all you do and say and for all you give of yourself. I wish I could return that a hundredfold but I know our God will. DeeDee

  2. Found your blog through Positive Outlooks. I like you blog for therapy. In my case I left an abusive relationship. I blog to heal myself and hopefully help others along the way. I love your last paragrah where you say, "Today is a new day. There is life. Go out and live your dreams." I often remind myself this same sentiment at the beginning of my day.

    You can check out my blog at www.elfladyschronicles.blogspot.com

    Take care,
