Saturday, April 13, 2024

Hooters to Go

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Nico and Christopher Jr. enjoying the Salt Life on the island. March 20, 2024

April 13, 2024

My wife and two of my four children returned from Madrid, Spain, at Miami International Airport after spending 6 weeks with her family. That was a long time to be away from me. One would think I partied it up while she was gone, but I did not. If it wasn't work-related, I stayed home most of the time. I was lucky to enjoy peace and quiet but missed them dearly.

The flight arrived around 8:30 PM. When they went through U.S. Customs, we got the luggage to the car, which was nearly 10. It was me, her, and our 4 children. Reunited once again, and it felt so good! But now, they were all hungry. Time to open up the wallet and spend the big bucks on food and drinks. This economy is not friendly to a family this size. I know Miami, but I do not know Miami well enough to find a nice restaurant in a good neighborhood with a safe environment. Besides, it was a Thursday night, and there was little open for as late as it was on a Thursday night. And with so many people in our party, the opinions on food vary. In the end, someone will be unhappy with the choice to eat.

I drove aimlessly in the night northwest on U.S. 27 through Miami Springs. With no luck, I hopped on the 826 and headed north. I was bound to find something. But as we passed each exit, I began to get anxious. I wasn't finding anything to my liking or anyone else's liking. The time was ticking. We were on the clock. Soon, nothing would be open, and no one was going to eat. It was time to make a decision. So, I headed north towards Broward County. A place I knew well. I was bound to find something. So I jumped on the 817 and headed into Pembroke Pines. We were pushing 11:30 P.M., and it was time to choose or lose. That is when I saw the owl. 

The sign was still lit in a parking lot full of cars, indicating the restaurant was open. I looked at my wife and told her, "Ready to see some boobs? Because we are stopping at Hooters." I could go for some chicken wings and a lively atmosphere.

I have four boys. Chicken wings and boobs may be too early in their life, but we have to eat.

Thankfully, the restaurant still accepted patrons, and the hostess could seat us. We followed the lady in the orange short shorts towards the back of the restaurant. Our 4 kids in tow passed all the adults as they drank beer and talked about grown-up things while sucking on their chicken bones. Soon, my wife and I will be discussing their flight and trip while both of us would stop intermittently to tell our kids to knock it off or we are going to leave and not eat. 

The other server ladies would stop and say hello to our 3 and 4-year-old boys. Bending down, squeezing their cheeks. Their tight white shirts held the same things that their mom breastfed them with when they were born. I'm unsure if it was an appropriate place to go with 2 toddlers and 2 teenage boys, but we gotta eat.

The boys messed with their iPads, and the 2 older ones played on their phones. I concentrated on my wife, and my eyes were laser-focused on her beautiful face so that my eyes did not wander about. There were women everywhere, but I hadn't seen my wife in nearly 2 months, and there was only one person whose Hooters I was ready to enjoy, but that is a story I can not tell. But I knew we would be home at around 1 A.M. after dinner, where I would have a second helping of Hooters-to-go. 

647 words

Blake (sitting) and Max enjoying the beach on a beautiful day. April 13, 2024

© Copyright 2012- 2024 Captain Imperfecto, LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished, rewritten or redistributed without permission.  Please contact if you would like to re-publish in film, television or print. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

My Arms are Wide Open

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Boys relaxing in the hotel room over Nicos Leap Year birthday celebration! March 2, 2024

March 21, 2024

I know the spot on my couch that fits me like a glove. All the grooves, indentations, and soft spots fit my body like a glove. Oh, Mr reliable never fails me. I'm not a couch potato in the sense that I'll lie here with a bag of chips and munching away. However, that does sound alright! 

Like most people, I enjoy a quiet moment with myself after working long hours or completing some chores around the house. There's so much peace and tranquility in one's space. The safety of my environment while scrolling through my YouTube can place me in a vegetative mood. It's the only time I don't have a care in the world. I can just mindlessly watch others upload their lives to their YouTube videos without worrying about anything happening in my life. I love that there are no plots to follow. No character arc, no storyline, not even conflict. I can simply YouTube and chill. Life is as simple as the next YouTube swipe. 

But all that peace and serenity can be changed when having little kids. They seem to always know how to ruin my peace and tranquility. Little kids do not care how comfortable you are! Their pitter-patter of little feet running back and forth is set in motion to make you uncomfortable. Their pent-up energy explodes like a runaway freight train as they crash their little bodies into me. The boys want something from me at the most inopportune time. They think that they don't have my attention, but they do.   Finding rest can be challenging when even their little needs are a priority. Hot dang! They demand my attention. Those boys have a story to tell when they open their mouths. Blake and Max are full of conflicts and characters. At times, they can be my favorite show. I don't know; better than any YouTube at the time.

But, if I'm being completely honest with you, these moments are the best moments I genuinely cherish. And nothing is better than when they run out of energy, crash into my wide open arms, and lay snuggled into either side of my body. 

"My spot!" One yells as he snuggles into my left side. "Don't move this my spot."

Don't worry. I open my arms are wide open for you both. 

My boys are so small enough to fit in the pocket of my armpits as I embrace them. I have four boys, and these are gonna be my last two. Nico and Christopher did the same thing. I documented that years ago in another blog. They're doing their own things. It saddens me that my two older ones don't embrace me this way, other than the occasional walk-by hug. I am fortunate that I can still enjoy their embrace and the love they have for me. And I am thankful that when Max and Blake embrace me, I can feel the love that took me back 10 years ago. 

Like a king-size bed, my arms are always wide open and stretched long to embrace my boys; I will always be here, my children, in my loving arms. My boys fall into this comfortable spot on the couch where the grooves align my body. It's better than scrolling YouTube.  And these arms are wide open for them as long as I am alive.

The boys waiting for a meal at the Village Inn. March 1, 2024.

© Copyright 2024 Captain Imperfecto, LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished, rewritten or redistributed without permission.  Please contact if you would like to re-publish in film, television or print.