Sunday, July 22, 2012

My Snowy Night at Home, Your Story

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Your story from Design a Story. Requester wishes to remain anonymous.

July 22nd, 2012

It was the worst blizzard the region has seen in years. The weatherman never predicted it would be this bad, but since when can man predict the weather? Thankfully, I am holed up in my comfy cabin with plenty of firewood to keep this roaring fire going. The sight of my overflowing bubbles billowing up over the top of my sunken tub far out shadows the wall of snow just outside my bedroom window.

I sit beside my bath, undressing myself to get in the tub. The sound of the wind howling, like a wolf, echoes throughout the house as the air molecules find the tiny gaps in the window and rush in. The smell of timber burning entwines with the vanilla soap bubbles, casting off the scent of marshmallows in the air. I'm ready to climb into my tub with a good book to read when the doorbell rings, causing a momentary disruption in my inner peace. Who can this be on a night like this? I was surprised to find company becking in this weather coming to see me. I hurriedly placed on my robe and descended downstairs to see who was out on a night like this, especially in the middle of nowhere. My house is deep in the woods, and my driveway is long and winding. It's a shock anyone can find it on a night like this.

I peer through the peephole, but the frost has formed over the glass, and I can not see a thing. Before I can move my face back from the front door, the person knocks on the door again. The pounding rattles the doors and vibrates my face. I jumped almost out of my skin because the sudden knock scared me.

"Who's there!" I shout. Worried because I am alone tonight. My husband got snowed in at the airport.

"Umm, ma'am, it's the police," he shouts, his voice shaking from the cold.

"How do I know you, the police? I can't see you." I shout from my side of the door. It was true, though. The frost had built up on all the windows in the house. The fire from my fireplace was not warm enough to keep the windows defrosted.

"Ma'am, you're just going to have to trust me, I am a police officer. We are checking our rural residents to ensure you are safe from the storm."

Hesitant to open the door, I decided to just do it. After all, what choice do I have? So, with the fear in my heart, I place a brave look on my face and unlock the door. With a thrust, as if the wind pushed the door open, I whip open the door.

"You better be a cop," Starling, the officer, and his good looks startled me in return.

"Yes, ma'am, as you can see, I am a police officer. It's freezing out; can I come in?"

"Well, sure." I am at a loss for words, which never happens to me. I am a straightforward kind of gal, but this officer has me all flustered internally, making me tongue-tied.

"Sorry to bother you, but this storm just got out of hand, and we want to ensure our residents out here in the sticks have enough provisions to last all night." He says it with his baby face, but his body is very manly, even through his thick jacket.

"Provisions?" I said with a giggle.

"Yes, ma'am, you know food." He said with innocence.

"I know what provisions are; I just haven't heard it used before. But yes, I have plenty of food to last me this storm. It's not the first and won't be the last snowstorm that hits the area." I came off rude and stiff, but deep down, he was melting me.

"Well, okay, ma'am, as long as you are safe. Are you alone here, or is your husband or boyfriend around?" He asked. His eyes peered past my partially open robe that exposed my neckline and glanced into the living space.

"No, my husband is caught in the storm," I told him.

"I hope he's okay." He said with genuine concern

"Oh please, he's stuck in the airport drinking at the bar and flirting with stewardesses, I'm sure," I said in half-truths, be told.

"Why would he flirt with women when he has you to come home to." The strapping young officer said as he looked into my eyes.

Where do they go from here? Does he leave? Does he stay? It's your story. You'll have to take it from here.

Christopher Fusaro. The author of Captain Imperfecto.

© Copyright 2012- 2024 Captain Imperfecto, LLC. All rights reserved. This material may not be republished, rewritten or redistributed without permission.  Please contact if you would like to re-publish in film, television or print. 

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  1. awesome story! i felt breathless. you need to finish it, please! what comes next?

  2. I agree with "Anonymous", what a great story. I would love to know what endings you would finish this with.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.
