Christopher and Nico after their fresh haircuts. January 25, 2019
January 31, 2019
I died in my dream. A little
disturbing, I know. When I woke up out of the dream I was sweating, hot
and thirsty. I hope it wasn’t hell!
I didn’t hover
over my lifeless body. And I didn’t fall from a high building where I
would have surely woken up before I actually struck the ground. No, death
steamrolled over buildings and destroyed terrain on its mission to eradicate my
soul and end my life. Honestly in the end I gave up. There was no chance of my escape, no matter
how fast I ran away from the thunder that approached me. Once I realized my death was inescapable, I
hunkered down and waited for my grim reality to strike me down.
After death
feasted on my conscience, I was pushed into darkness and my dream ended. I
regained a sense of awareness and made it through to the other side. There was
immediate relief because I found out there was life after death.
My dream.
My dream.
Screaming jet
engines is what I heard which startled me from my sleep is the way my dream
began. The sound was so piercing that I assumed my room was a few yards
away from the runway. One after another, in timely succession, each plane
took off towards the east in a constant and steady flow. Rev of the
engine. Thrust forward of the power. The plane gained
momentum. The crack of the air as the fuselage sliced through the
atmosphere when the jet lifted off. Wheels up!
And then,
another plane. Repeat, action. And then another...
I jumped from my bed
and stood up on my tippy toes to peer through my window. All I
could see was the tail fin of the jets as they moved through the line
waiting for their chance to takeoff. 6 foot 2 inches and I could barely see over the windows ledge. I went back to bed.
Screams from my
mom woke me up again. Blood curtailing
“My God. They
did it! They did it!” She yelled over and over again.
Again, I ran to
my window and watched the planes take off. Over the dark horizon I heard
crackling noises and saw sparks flying through the night sky. Everything around
was being incinerated and moving very fast towards my apartment. My mothers blood curtailing screams was my soundtrack. The crackling sparks in the sky, was my sound effects, and the jets, were my background noise.
I yelled, "oh my God!" Knowing that a bomb or nuclear weapon must of went off. I thought of my family and my kids and I turned to run out the door. Hoping my speed would prevail. My room started to turn bright orange and I knew that I wasn’t going to out run it.
I thought of my family and my kids. Instinctively, I turned to run out the door but I felt the heat. I left my room and I got to the hallway pushing my body up against the wall and then falling into a fetal position.
"Here it comes. This is actually happening. It's my time to die!"
I yelled, "oh my God!" Knowing that a bomb or nuclear weapon must of went off. I thought of my family and my kids and I turned to run out the door. Hoping my speed would prevail. My room started to turn bright orange and I knew that I wasn’t going to out run it.
I thought of my family and my kids. Instinctively, I turned to run out the door but I felt the heat. I left my room and I got to the hallway pushing my body up against the wall and then falling into a fetal position.
"Here it comes. This is actually happening. It's my time to die!"
The heat incinerated everything in it's path. Engulfing my body and everything around me. I briefly saw myself in a fetal position. Like a baby in the womb. I said to myself, "I’m dead. I’m dead."
All went black. I stopped existing in my dream. My world fell silent. There was a brief
moment of darkness and then, while still in my dream, my body pushed through the darkness and it fell into a state of flux. Everything
around me was still orange but I knew I was dead. Relief overwhelmed because there was more life. I couldn’t believe that I was back in conscience.
As relief rushed over my body. I felt into a peaceful trance that guided me to a land of serenity.
But then, I woke up.
© copyright 2019 Captain Imperfecto, LLC. All rights reserved.
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