Monday, December 31, 2018

New Year's Nightmare 2019!

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Christopher and Nico enjoying good ole Saint Nick.  December 19, 2018.

December 31, 2018

"I will nightmare you, dad," my youngest son told me right after Christmas. We are only one week from New Year's Eve and 2 months past Halloween. So, he must be referring to The Nightmare After Christmas.

"You will fall asleep when you think you're headed to the lullaby clouds and fairy dreams. I will be there to nightmare you and have all those happy dreams disappear."

Words my 8-year-old jokingly declared on this holiday season are still not very reassuring of a happy and resolute 2019. Even if he is joking. But we are at the start of a new year. Technically, we are at humble beginnings. Christopher's words got me thinking about some negative and bad things of 2018 that will try to creep into my new and improved 2019 and nightmare me.

January will come soon, bringing along with it all the possibilities and hope a person can believe can and will happen when he or she announces their New Year resolution at midnight on December 31st for the new year.

However, it's disheartening and worrisome that we announced our resolutions at midnight. Midnights aren't precisely the moment when dreams come true. Midnight didn't work very well for Cinderella. And deadlines usually end at midnight. Expirations? Midnight.

This December 31st, at midnight, like most of us, I'll start my New Year by declaring a diet and workout, body fit resolution. Initially, the gym will be crowded, so I'll be in great company with other gym resolutioners. Like a thoroughbred racing horse, people will be jockeying for positions to shed weight and get fit for July's swimsuit weather.

As January fades away, so will most people's resolutions, and the crowds at the gym will soon disappear as well. The gym owners will be happy regardless because most "gym rats" will not cancel their membership, and the $22.00 monthly bill (if not more) will be deducted from their accounts for the next few years.

I will reassure myself that the missed days of my workouts have nothing to do with a failed resolution of 2019 but everything to do with the rest my body needs. My laziness will try to nightmare me, but I will not give in.

February is an easy month. There are only 28 days. Honestly, there aren't enough days in the month to fu*k it up.

I'll proudly spring through March. Having made it to spring and bid winter adieu, I had 60 days to keep my resolution. I hope that by this point, I have minimized my negativity by fighting the good fight and still carry on strong into 2019.

But will 2018 still continue to nightmare me? Heck no.

I'll just hop right through April, like Peter Rabbit. Shower into May. Ring in the summertime of June and celebrate the 4th of July like 1999 because I know no nightmares of 2018 have intruded this far into my progress. But now I'm in the back half of the year. Will 2018 still encroach?

August, September, October, November, December

Whew, trying to keep my 2018 resolution. This is a nightmare!

Suddenly, I woke up.

It's still 2018. The new year has yet to begin. It was all a dream. I suspect Christopher was right. He did nightmare me. Is the gym a New Year's resolution? No way! My resolution is to remain a good father, husband, friend, and neighbor. I can keep up with this in 2019. 

I hope everyone has had a great holiday season, a happy new year, and a healthy 2019!


593 words

A new Captain Imperfecto on the way. Three boys, Oye Vay! Christmas party at our house December 22, 2018.

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