Have you ever heard the seagulls cry? There is nothing like hearing them while you are sitting on the beach. This is a happy place for many people who live along the coastline. I am fortunate to live close to the beach. This closeness to the Atlantic Ocean brings me free serenity. The salty air is like an intoxicant to my senses. The feeling that allows me to be free at the moment and gives me the will to cast my worries to the side.
The beach is a place where many coastal people contemplate their life choices. It is the perfect setting to measure one's problems with the backdrop of the gigantic ocean, which, in reality, is the perfect metaphor for how minor some issues really are when you place this world in perspective. Although it will not solve my stress, it will provide me some space in my mind to give me clarity.
The seagull's cry is about as wild as an animal that you will find here on my local beach. Their mewing, or cry, is distinct. There is no mistaking it. It is the baseline for my thoughts while contemplating life's questions as to why things happen to me or how I can make my life better. My wants, no, my need for the ocean to pull my stress away for one more day, mercifully given to me by the surreal feeling I get by viewing the magnificent ocean before me.
The ocean breeze seared water at the tips of the incoming wave. The waves catapult its mist towards me, which brushes my face and cools me down. The spray invigorates my soul and baptizes me. The sounds of the seagulls remind me that I can be free. The hovering in the breeze temporarily distracts me with the wonderment of flight.
I push my toes into the sand. Firmly planting myself in my spot. I crack open a beer and take a sip. The sun's rays dance off my skin because it cannot penetrate my sunblock. The laughter of the kids playing reminds me of my own youth. And the mewing goes on and on as I stare off into the abyss. I reorganized my thoughts, remembering my friends, thinking about lost loves, missing dead loved ones, and contemplating my next move.
The ocean never stops churning as the sun sets and the sand cools. Not even for a moment. The tides come in, and the tide rolls out, just as people come and go in your life. The ocean will keep going long after I am gone. And the seagull's cry will permanently set the tone.
The beach is perfect when you have access to it. You can put your whole life into perspective when you go. That is the main thing that is so wonderful about it. My questions will be answered. My thoughts were resolved, and burdens were lifted. My happiness stays. The ocean recharged me. My stress is a little less. My overheated skin slightly cooled from the ocean spray. And the seagull's cries reminded me that I have found my place of solitude and reflection.
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