Yes, I'm Lying Down |
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It's time to move forward and blog about life's journeys, discoveries and my short stories I have always wrote. I will always be Captain Imperefecto because I lead an imperfect life.
Yes, I'm Lying Down |
Standing alone facing infinity, wishing for an end to slowly fade into sight so I know I'm okay. It's such a lonely feeling when the ones you love don't care. It makes you feel dead inside. The noise around me is the only thing that lets me know I am still alive. My feelings were lost long ago somewhere out there, numbing my pain, feeling no hurt I could cause to others, not willing to care.
I reach out into the thin air, but my hands flail around, grasping at nothing because there is nothing to hold. My strength keeps me planted at my base as I try to reinforce my foundation with a positive outlook and imagine that there is something real and meaningful to tell me, "Things are going to be alright."
The road to despair is a long journey that requires you to look deep within yourself. Believing that there is a reason for this, then laughing out loud because that belief is such bullshit. You have to fight. You have to swing. You have to let go to regain the once was, and maybe someday, it could be, before you start believing in the never will.
The never wills will haunt you. It allows you to never believe in yourself and forces you to stop confiding in the system you programmed in your mind, placed there by years and years of your "life's lessons." I don't want to stare out in a world that could've been, when it should've been, was up to me. Standing here and looking out into infinity leads me to believe I was never here and, therefore, never was.
The should-haves lead to regret, which leads to tearing you up inside. It's hard to swallow, and when you do, it cuts up your guts until you choke on the blood, reeling in your reality of what would have been and what never was because you failed to do what was right for you. Your talent is wasted, and you are left with the thought that you can never be what you were meant to be, but now, by your actions, you're faced with the possibility of a never-be.
Life can be confusing and lonely. And the should haves, would haves, and could haves intermingle with one another as you travel down your road of self-misery to face the emptiness of space. But deep down, if you believe in who you are, there should never be a has been or could've been, only a here I am, this is me; I can be who I want to be, and I am because that is all there ever was. I am me.
I am the one who made the should-haves into reality and the could-haves that were already done. I can be who you want me to be because I am already the person I want to be. I sacrificed to become the one thing I can rely on because if I can't rely on myself, then I can never be, a will be, and will suffer the consequences of being a never was.
520 words
The rain drenches me, and my misery soaks it up like a sponge. I truly understand the meaning: "When it rains, it pours." The raindrops saturate my body, leaving me feeling helpless and cold. I strip out of my clothes, exposing myself to the elements. I am surrendering to the power of the rainfall. Thus, I leave myself vulnerable to all those who wish to stop and stare, but I do not care.
I don't run for shelter in the storm. I'm in the center of it all. I am the eye of this disaster that is waiting to make landfall. A hurricane warning has gone up all around me. I churn in the water, producing steam, slowly building up the low pressure, and moving my body into a position that causes destruction. My outer bands stretch far beyond my nucleus, touching the lives of others. Some of it is a good touch, but other times, it's a lashing out, causing a total disaster. I need relief.
I just want to heal. Heal those around me and be happy again. Give way to the sunlight as it breaks through these dark clouds. Allow those to enjoy what used to be, even though there will never be again before the gray skies. There are white caps from fierce waves and a surge of emotion, a danger on my surface. I want the seas to be calm so my loved ones can play again. So they can enjoy the day rather than always being afraid of the dark clouds in the distance. Beneath the surface, I bury more emotions in the abyss of my loneliness. It does nothing but churn the tide.
I look forward to the day when the light stays on rather than flicker between loud booms of thunder and despair. The light flashes, like my life, before my eyes. Like a child, I count my Mississippi 1 and Mississippi 2 to gauge how long I have before the clouds reappear and change the day to gloomy. I hope the breeze will come along and push the clouds away, avoiding what nature aims to bring me.
But I know that will only happen if I am in the eye of the storm. Under the false pretenses of a beautiful day. Because there is nothing but chaos all around me while I stay protected in the eye's cocoon. I will only be safe if I move within it, but I can not live this way. I have to pray for colder water so that it will lessen the strength and power that is pushing against me. Every time I think I made my exit, the storm acts like two magnets. It bounces me around inside, never allowing me to get out of the continuous cycle.
It's my heart and soul that I want to reconnect to make my own storm. My heart to make it through the storm and my soul to recognize who I once was. Only the loss of someone can tear such things apart. When the loss occurs, you are blinded by the high winds and stinging rain that aim to make things more miserable. Even though you realize that deep down inside, the fear paralyzes you from reacting to it. I feel better off drowning at sea than fighting such a battle.
Leave it to the weather person to ruin a day you expected to turn out perfect, especially at a time when you try to remain positive.
[voice over]
And now, for the best coverage in town, from the newsroom to the street to the political arena, Channel Four has it covered for you. We are first with news and first with weather. Now, our Doppler Four weather woman, Patty Pouper. Weather first, then news on today's tragedy, Patty.
"Hello, everyone. Patty Pouper with today's forecast. It's tiredness with a chance of sadness as depression is expected to move in later in the day. Expect choppy seas later, and be prepared for a broken heart. The chance of rain is high, with no light to dry it up and make the rest of the week tolerable. Save your time with an umbrella to shelter yourself from the storm. It will only delay the inevitability of falling over with no chance of getting up."
The weather is challenging to predict, even with today's technology. And no one can predict how the future will unfold. No one expects a hurricane to be named after them, but eventually, everyone will have that woeful distinction. And the vulnerability of everyone staring at you while your life plays out in anguish. You can only hope that people will understand rather than relate because who would want to relate to such destruction? You just have to learn how to weather the bad times and get out of the eye of the storm before it's too late to see the beauty that occurs after a storm. The beautiful rays of hope.
828 words