Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Green Thumb

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Left to right: Nico, Christopher, Captain Imperfecto remodeling house

February 18, 2015

The birth of children and raising them, such as my boys, is like planting little seedlings that will eventually grow into strong rooted grown up plants. Do I need a green thumb to raise my children?

Only if raising them was as simple as adding water to their little souls, which are embedded, beneath the soil of a flowerpot. Allow photosynthesis to occur for their developing efflorescence. Provide them with light and minerals for strong growth, and wallah! My boys are all grown up as easily as plants.

And with a little care, nurturing, sunshine, water and food they have shot right up over these past few years. So much so that Nico is already towering his little head above the dining room table. What a growth spurt over these last few years these two have had.

“Ho, ho, ho, Green Giant!”

A throw back to that old commercial about Green Giant frozen vegetables but I’m not ready to proclaim my sons giants as of yet. However, looking at my son Nico now, who is as skinny as green bean, I wonder where that little baby went that I use to rest on my 12-inch, long, forearm.

And baby Christopher, who I use to hold up by his little arms, so he could practice walking by taking baby steps (pun intended) so that one day he could stand tall like the jolly Green Giant. And it is working because that kid is growing so quickly.

Both these little guys are growing so fast. At first when they were born, I was wiping their butt, then wiping their nose. As my boys got older, I was wiping their eyes, dusting them off when they crawled or I would become out of breath, while I chased them around (that hasn’t changed).

Then, as they learned to walk, I had to clean the mud off of their messy arms, hands, legs, feet and face. I was stuck searching for band aids for their broken skin so the Sponge Bob adhesive, could stop the bleeding (sponge bleeding, ha!). All that work has succeeded because now here I am watching their first baseball practice, t-ball and coaches pitch) while I fantasize of a major league career for both of them, (eye on the ball, Christopher! Gotta get down on that ball, Nico!) What the hell? Too much photosynthesis occurring as their growth is just spurting out of nowhere!

Like a garden that grows into a sprawling field of food and nutrients, so do our children. The pride of a healthy, vibrant, garden is a joy for anyone with a green thumb to marvel at. The same goes with my boys. I see their pictures and their progression from infants to toddlers and now little boys and I gleam with pride as I marvel at the beginning of their life.

Watching them grow can be difficult because I don’t want them to be teenagers yet. Just be little guys that sit with daddy all the time. But they’re forming minds of their own. For instance I went from picking out their clothes for school or restaurants to now hearing their little voices strain to tell me, “No dad, I’m not wearing that.”

When the heck did my sons’ become so picky about clothes? I realize that clothes are a form of expression. But for them to be picky about their clothes, already, at their current ages of 5 and 6 is a little overboard, isn’t it? Not that they have to like all their clothing like they don’t like some of their vegetables.

Cultivating my little boys is the best kind of farming, for someone with no farming skills, I can accomplish in my lifetime. I just need an early wake up, a strong back and good work ethic to grow them into respectable men that any parent will be proud of. And I don’t need a green thumb for growing Nico and Christopher into that.

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