Friday, February 28, 2025

Digital Life Versus Nature

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The family at a Miami Dolphins game! (November 24, 2024)

I pulled my car off to the side of the road because I did not want to be on my phone while driving. There were things to be done that couldn't wait, so I thought I would be safe to pull over. I was wrapped up in what I was doing, and something tragic was about to occur. The sun was rising and I almost missed it. This was a moment of digital life versus nature. Allow me to explain.

So here I am, buried in my phone, focused on what I was reading when I glanced up to survey my surroundings, glanced back down, and suddenly stopped. I closed my eyes, shook my head side-to-side, and thought, what a fool.

Moving my head back slowly, I opened my eyes, gazed eastwardly towards the horizon, and paused as if I were stopped in a knee-jerk reaction. This rising sun was a sight I had seen before, yet I was captivated by the rising sun, breaking the horizon and the color of the sky it produced. What a moment to be alive. Although my problems would still be there after the sun rose, I appreciated this moment because I lived to see another day. Life gets harder as you get older, shorter as the days pass, unappreciated when you have bad ones, and priceless when you realize the significance of being here. The rising sun humbled me.

The sun's rays shot through the sky, piercing the blue dome with bright yellow hues, driving the warmth over the land and brilliance to the naked eye as the day began to wrap itself around me. Early risers who notice this magnificent daily sight should remember not to take it for granted. These opportunities may seem plentiful as the days and years pass; however, you will not be guaranteed to see another day as one day closes and another one begins. This day was special so far. I was in good health, happy, and content. My family was safe, everyone was healthy, and there wasn't a worry to be held except the normal wear and tear life throws at you. More days like this, please.

Who would have thought that an everyday event could bring me such pleasure? It was picture-perfect, like a song coming on at the perfect time to remind me of a special moment during a special time. All this could have been overlooked if I had kept my nose in my phone and ignored life as it went around me; thank God I looked up and noticed the little things that I would have missed had I been sucked into my digital world. What else am I missing out on when I am preoccupied with my phone?

The sunrise of a new morning isn't just a wake-up for the rooster and those who have to head to work or school. This new day is a reminder that there is living that is bigger than my phone. Life is producing moments like this every day. It is important to acknowledge that life exists. If it's digital life versus nature, then nature should win every damn time.  

Max (left) and Blake at Blake's 6th birthday party. (February 9, 2025)

516 words

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