Front: Christopher, rear: Nico goofing around
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May 28th, 2013
Just about everyone loves rainy nights, unless of course your outside stuck in it. But if your lucky enough to be safe at home while the rain splatters down upon the top of your roof then you can rejoice while enjoying the warmth of being inside. Preferably under the covers.
The feeling of safety warms ones soul as the sound of the falling rain roars through the house like trotting horses across a large landscape.
Just by listening to how loud the roaring rain flows while it saturates the roof I can gauge how much rain is falling from the sky. And then be thankful that I am safely snuggled in my bed.
I open my eyes.
"Shit, the boys electric cars are outside in the rain."
I bounce from my bed, swinging my feet towards the ground. My feet land on my loyal dog who's sleeping on my side of the floor.
"Woof" he exclaims as a whimpers off trying to get out of my way.
"Sorry Champ!" I exclaim as I stand stoic on my legs. While claiming his spot.
"The plastic battery cars are in the backyard getting soaked" I say trying to reason with the dog.
The room is dark but I am relying on my intuition to move about the room without hitting a thing. But my dog doesn't move to far from his spot he was originally laying, so I trip on him and fall forward.
I extend my arms out trying to break my fall so I can land gently into whatever it is that was about to break my fall but I land hard into the bedroom door completely closing the previously left ajar door.
The booming sound of the unintentional hard closing door echoes across the house like the sound of thunder accompanying the falling rain just beyond the house’s concrete walls.
"Ugh, when it rains it pours" I say chuckling to myself.
I manage to regain my balance as I stand firmly on my feet. I glance up towards the ceiling and trace the flat surface with my eyes, as I listen to the rain fall harder and harder onto the roof.
“Damn” is all my brain can manage out of my mouth as I become more aware that those cars, even though are at rest, are dealing with the chaos of the rain and are getting more wet by the millisecond by the pounding monsoon.
I briskly walk down the long dark hallway towards the living space of the house. I gotta get those cars! And boy, was I was on a mission. I make it though the living room, work like a dagger by slicing through the kitchen, no pun intended, and head for the back family room where I would finally get to the back door and head out and rescue those battery operated toy trucks.
I look up towards the white plastered interior ceiling and realize the rain had stopped. I peer thorough the rear windows as I flick on the exterior lights and notice that the rain has subsided.
“Whew, I won’t get drenched,” I thought.
I grab the key to the rear door and fumble with it while trying to grip the back end of it. The back base of the key seems to have gotten tangled up on the circular key ring. How the hell does that happen?
Slowly but surely I hear the rain begin to pick up. Where as before I could barely hear the sound of it now it no longer sounds like the drip from the kitchen sink as the rain begins to pick up its pace. I knew I only had minutes to open that door.
The drips pick up steam as they become more evenly spread over the roof.
I manage to drop the key to the ground in my nervousness and stress of trying to beat this rain.
The rain sounds like a small army of boots walking across the house covering, letting me know they are about to assemble for an attack.
I manage to get the key but place it in the key hole upside down. I quickly take the key out, while the drips get longer and fall harder. I fumble with several keys attached to the red key chain. The rain begins to speak to me by its sound that it will no longer hold back. I grab the right key and shove it in the door, the rain begins to rush down as I open the door, flinging it open excited that I have freed myself to finally grab my cars!
But the rain doesn't care. It is falling now full force to the ground as I run to the cars to save them from more rain submersion. I grab the red battery operated 4 wheeler, it was the closest to me and head back to the wide open door. The rain begins to soak into my skin and drip down my face. I sling the car, thats big enough for a 5 year old to ride, into the house. It crashes against the floor sending a loud bang through out the house.
I run to the second 4 wheeler, the blue one, and my youngest sons car. Of course its in a mud area and I splash black mud all over my feet and shins. I grab the car by the rear handle and run for a merciful end for the shelter of my house. About half way there the exterior lights go out and I hear a loud, BANG!
What happened?
I get to my rear door and realize someone had shut it. I pull the handle discovering it was locked. “What the hell,” I shout.
knock, knock
I bang on the door and announce, “hello!?”
My shouts fall on deaf ears. BANG BANG, I bang on the door harder. What could have happened?
I peer through the glass searching for a gap in the blinds only to find my oldest son Nico standing in the kitchen.
“Now Nico. It’s daddy, Nico. It’s okay open the door,” I plead with him, as I knock on the window. “It’s me, daddy open the door. The rain drowning out my soft tones.
Bang, bang.
“NICO! Open the door.”
Yup, when it rains, it pours.
The Adventures of Captain Imperfecto/Born Again by Christopher P. Fusaro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at
The Adventures of Captain Imperfecto © is also a Registered Copyright with the Office of the Registers, United States of America, TX 7-611-138
The Adventures of Captain Imperfecto © is also a Registered Copyright with the Office of the Registers, United States of America, TX 7-611-138