Friday, March 1, 2013

Happy Birthday, Son

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Nico getting caught in the cookie jar

March 1st, 2013 // Happy Birthday

My boy just turned 5, happy birthday, son. I appreciate this age. Deep down I wish he’d stay this way. His truth in his words, the love in his heart and compassion in his soul, that he shares with me, appears to be as equal as mine. But deep down there is no comparison to a fathers love for his son(s).

There will be no greater accomplishment then to see my boys grow into men. The hard work and sacrifices I will make for them as they grow up will only be appreciated when they themselves, hold their own child in their arms. 

I didn’t appreciate what my dad did when he raised 4 of us on a shoe-string budget. Not to begrudge my mother, she did her best. She was the one who bore 4 kids at the ripe old age of 18. I guess when she turned 25 she wondered what was in it for her, this world, and decided that she had her own dreams to discover. My dad did what he had to do as a single parent and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t appreciate that, now.

I will sacrifice today, so my own kids can chase their dreams while I stand on the sidelines cheering them on as they conquer life. Knowing that I gave them the skill to succeed in life. That their dreams were accomplished because they leaned on me when times got rough and life got hard. I will make sure they find their dreams without having to sacrifice the ones around them as they try to touch what it is in their heart. And I will be there to guide them to the light, so they will not have regrets about their destiny.

There is no doubt that I want my sons to be better then I ever was and more then I’ll ever be. When they get where life was meant for them to be, they will know that I was their biggest fan. And I will appreciate the journey it took for them to succeed, because this life goes fast. My son just turned 5 and my youngest will be 4 and I don’ feel old because they keep me young.

I marvel in their youth and gladly participate in their games. Because that’s what dads do. Dads, according to what my wife once said, “are the fun ones.” But throughout the fun and games I will always be true to this: I’ll be their dad first, mentor second and best friend third. I will be a part of your life beyond today’s birthday.

God willing, I will be here after your 5th birthday guiding you to your 10th birthday, loving you through your teens, supporting you through your 20’s and caring for you until the day I die. I love you son, Happy birthday.

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The Adventures of Captain Imperfecto/Born Again by Christopher P. Fusaro is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

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The Adventures of Captain Imperfecto ©  is also a Registered Copyright with the Office of the Registers, United States of America, TX 7-611-138

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

7, 10 Split

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Near: Christopher Foreground: Nico

February 26th, 2013

I needed to change up the activity with my boys after I picked them up from school. So I decided to take them bowling rather than the same old stuff we usually do like the playground, indoor playground, mall playground, city playground, park playground, okay, well, you get the point. [As I drive past all the same ole, same ole parks.]

Fun for them lately has been running up the stairs and then sliding down the slide. [Repeat] Run back up the stairs, then back down the slide. But watching isn't stimulating, so I participate in the action. But after a few stares...from the other kids, who are trying to go down the slide and patiently wait for me to leave, I sulk back to the bench area and wait.

Currently, they have yet to play any kind of organized sports. So I figured I would break them into the sporting life beyond the iPhone and let them break some bowling pins legally because, knowing my boys, they'd break them without a ball. [Kids have no fear.] 

I was nervous because I imagined my young sons running down the bowling lanes, kicking the pins onto the hardwood ally, then pulling on the re-rack machine and short-circuiting the bowling ally electrical system. [Although, if I was losing in a game, I wouldn't mind.]

Nico loves the bowling application on my iPhone, so when we walked into the bowling alley, sheer joy overtook his tiny body, and a giant smile appeared. He screamed delightfully as he witnessed grown men roll a ball down a full-size and very real bowling lane. For him, this was 4D at its best and far beyond the usual pixel screen he is accustomed to. 

I knew today my sons would have joy in Bowlingville.

It's great to see such enjoyment on their faces when they do something trivial, like rolling a heavy ball down a thin lane and knocking over some pins. But for them, this kind of action is organized destruction. Dad is actually allowing them to knock over stuff without the usual, "STOP!" or "Don't do that!" or "STOP!". [ Yes, I know It repeated that, but with kids, that's what you tend to do.]

It sucks that my current age and knowledge of how life works can jade the shit out of me and cloud the fun of this game. I used to bowl in a league and have long grown tired of it. But I try my best to allow my boys to bring back my youth, and I find myself enjoying the moment as much as they are, with a massive smile on my face. After all, all their new experiences are my experiences, like the excitement of seeing a movie with someone new who hasn't seen it, even though you've seen it 5 times.

It is tricky keeping them from running down the lane, though. I want to tell them that if they cross that foul line, they'll be in danger, and all these bad things can happen to them, but yet, I don't want to scar them for life. But these lanes are very slick, and as soon as Nico crossed the foul line and entered the oily area of the floor, he fell right on his butt. Problem solved.

Christopher appeared content with watching the bowling ball come out of the ball return machine. For him, it was the best magic trick ever performed. It's way better than Dad's disconnecting thumb trick. You know, the illusion that I detached my thumb from my hand, even though I never did. Kids eat that up.

With one eye on Nico as he threw his ball onto the lane, I had my other eye on Christopher's hand so it wouldn't do its own disappearing act. Or other things like venturing into another player's game...there he goes! [Running after him]

I hadn't bowled in years, and here I am bowling with my own 2 sons. Something I did as a child in league play. But something I grew out of and lost interest in as a teen and young adult. As my sons roll the ball down the lane, I can now feel how flinging that ball can release the stress of a long, hard day. That is until I rolled that dreaded 7, 10 split. I'll let Nico run down the lane and knock it over. [Come on, just this once.]

739 words

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