My new son was born a couple of weeks ago. I wasn't sure if I wanted kids since I was already a father of 2 young boys, but the moment the newest addition to our family was born, I felt proud to know how lucky to be able to welcome another child into this world.
However, he was born a month early, so that was a big surprise. That Saturday morning, my wife woke me up and told me she thought she had peed on the bed.
"Ugh, it's so early. 5:30 A.M., to be exact. Let's just swap places, or better yet, I'll go to the couch, and we will worry about this in a few hours."
My wife told me she was up and couldn't fall back to sleep.
When I got up 3 hours later, she informed me that her water may have broken because she had continued leaking like a faucet.
We examined the bed sheets and looked for discoloration or any indication that she had an "accident." There was nothing there on the white bed sheets that appeared to be an "accident." It is as if there was nothing wet at all.
Naturally, we ended up in the hospital, where we were told the baby was coming. And just like that, she was checked in, tagged, pricked with an IV bag, and rolled into a labor and delivery room.
"Excuse me," I said to the nurse outside my room just before the nurse's station.
"Of course, I'm no doctor. And I will come across as an overzealous new dad. And maybe I have had too much caffeine. Most of my knowledge comes from what I have seen in the movies. And in the movies, when the contractions are reduced well, the baby has to be coming, right? She's gone from 5-minute contractions to 2-minute contractions. That has to be something indicating birth?"
After she told me she'd be in the room in about 2 minutes, I walked back into the eye of the hurricane. My wife was clutching the sides of the bed. My sister was consoling her. And I was standing helpless at the foot of the bed, ready to catch whatever she was about to push out.
The nurse walked in and gloved up her hand. She laughed. And gently felt to see where the baby was.
"Holy crap! She's 100% dilated."
She ran out. While ripping the glove off her hand, she tossed it in the trash and went to get the cavalry.
About 10 seconds later, the medical staff rushed like hordes in The Walking Dead, ready to fest. The phenomenal doctor walked in cool, calm, and collected.
"Push! Lina," the doctor said.
"2nd time, push!"
"She's pushing. She's pushing," I said.
"Push. Come on. He's turning blue. "
"You heard her push!" I yelled.
And with that final push, baby Blake was born. He was 4 lbs. But even though he was a lightweight, he weighed heavily on my heart. It was a good day to welcome a new life into the world.
Beinvendio, my new baby boy, Blake.
PS: Happy birthday to son number 1, Nico!
527 words
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