Nico (left) and Christopher enjoying ice cream at the beach. July 2016.
August 4, 2016
What train are you on? Are you on the train to nowhere in particular or on the train to fulfillment and self-gratification? The decision is yours to make. Sure, people can mentor you, give you direction, guide you, and give honest, constructive criticism, but in the end, the train is yours to choose.
I had help when deciding to hop on the train toward fulfillment because I had two young sons who depended on me to help them when their mother died. Although my family would have loved my children if we weren't around, I knew that no one could truly love my kids the way I could. The love I would bestow on them should carry them into a lifetime of happiness and confidence. Well, that is my hope, anyhow.
When I chose my train, I was responsible for filling it with people and the necessities I needed to make life better. I had to shed myself on the negativity built on my previous train. A negative track that put my train on a destination to nowhere. I walked away from that train and left that stuff to linger out in the badlands of life. I have been around this loop before. I should be a smarter engineer. After all, this is my life's new train. My navigation towards greener pastures. Who judges me? I do not need to announce it on Facebook. I must trust the new me. And declare it within myself.
I am still determining how far this current train will take me. I can't predict the future. But I will ride out on this new train until these tracks seem to circle again. I know the route by now, so before it returns to my old self, I'll get off and hop on a new train. You see. No one will care more about your situation than yourself. Although many people may talk a good game about helping you or do their best to give you guidance. I know that I am the only one who will believe in myself. I will heal myself and motivate myself to be better. After all, I have gotten pretty far in life, so to be wiser, there shouldn't be an excuse.
I'm avoiding happiness if I don't go into that thought process. Why would anyone want to choose not to be happy?
My new train represents that I am learning what life has been teaching, and I have graduated to another level. Life has told me, from my experience, to stay caught up in the things I can control. Live life without worries about how I will be perceived. Life has shown me that I will, and can, leave the negativity and the people who bring that baggage on the train far behind. My train is built to make life easier for me. It tells me to stretch my dollar on my new family so that my memories are with them. I am the engineer of the train of life.
Pick your train and ride the hell out of it. Allow your life experience to guide your train so that it calms you down when you are upset, self-motivates you to be disciplined and organized, and allows your emotions to subside. Ride the hell out of that train. Feel free to get off and choose a better one if it runs out of track. Yes, life waits for no one, but it's your train, and you can engineer it to a place that gives you fulfillment and satisfaction.
590 words
Captain Imperfeco checking out the new Miami Dolphin football team new stadium renovations. July 2016
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