Nico (left) and Christopher enjoying a Coke and a smile on 4th of July.
July 6, 2016
I almost forgot. My birthday is only a few days away, in July. My birthdays aren't significant for me anymore. When I was growing up, there were only a few milestone ages I was looking forward to reaching that made birthdays fun:
Thirteen. When I became a teenager.
Fifteen, when I could get my learner's permit.
Eighteen, because I could do things without my parent's permission.
And twenty-one, because everyone else made a big deal about turning 21.
Most people wanted to hit 21 to legally drink Budweiser. And yet they did that before 21 years old.
Now that I'm another year beyond 21, my favorite years are the ones now behind me. Even the bad years. Hint: The passing years are like cars in a rearview mirror going in the other direction. You will never see those years again and yet look fondly upon them.
We understand how fleeting time is when we are late to work. But I don't mind if the seconds went slower. Like a regulation clock in an NBA basketball game, time drags on.
I have always wanted to see a new era usher in a new time, and now we are witnessing the dawn of a new time with our growing electronics. And I'd like to see where the technology leads us as it grows into the future.
Will there be a time when I can live on my computer and my sons can summon me like Superman did his father, Jor-El, for advice? Can there be a virtual, Chris? That would be cool. Living on my computer instead of in front of my laptop could be fun. Now is the time to remake Wes Cravens's movie, Shocker. The movie when the killer comes alive in electricity and chases his… well, that's a spoiler.
My 8 and 6-year-old boys don't care that it's my birthday, let alone summoning me on a Google search. They just want to reaffirm that there will be cake at my celebration. Yes, boys, gluten and sugar-free cake. I'm just kidding. My boys' would probably riot if I gave them a tasteless cake. Thankfully, the tasteless Splenda packages they eat reveal some sweet rewards after a few chews. But knowing my kids, out of protest, they would unplug the computer to my virtual self until someone made them cake.
I am happy to reach another year even though I'm older. Age and wisdom aren't the reason for my happiness. My life is in a 180-degree turn from where I was only 4 short years ago. And things are going well so far. Being positive strengthens my confidence when I tell myself I can go through life and achieve goals no matter what age I am and what I have gone through.
I am at the prime of my life and don't plan on wasting the window of opportunity that opens up to my new world. When I exit the window to venture into what I'm viewing, it will be to explore the land, drawing me out for an adventure and a lifetime memory.
Lifetime memories are what living is all about. I plan on having many of them beyond my upcoming birthday because I'm unsure if I will be lucky enough to see another year pass me by.
Hmm. I should celebrate this joyous occasion. I don't need to become Billy Crystal in City Slickers. Shit, I think I was 17 when that came out! Why did I look up the synopsis of the movie? A 40-year-old contemplates… blah blah blah. History always seems to be about a man contemplating something. Maybe I should consider buying a midlife crisis car?
I have written a whole year of adventures here on my blog, creating a virtual person that my kids can look back on and read when they want to know what their old man was up to during this time of his life. They may find wisdom in these words that will calm their nerves as they age.
Okay, boys' let's have some chocolate cake and celebrate another milestone from the past year. A year that was seen by your dad in a positive light, and hopefully, it will teach you to be positive in everything you do. That positivity will bring you closer to happiness. Explore every opportunity when the window presents itself.
713 words
Captain Imperfecto working the holiday weekend.
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