Sunday, September 30, 2018

Safety Zone

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Nico (left) and Christopher standing by their drone! (September 24, 2018)

September 30, 2018

Down the block from our house, there's a park where my kids like to play and just be kids without any of the worries we parents have. Damn, it must be good to be in their safety zone.   The boys travel by foot, or at times their electric scooter, along the tree-lined street. They sure are enjoying their youth. I hope they truly understand how lucky they are to be this young.  

Their innocence is evident in the purity of the conversations I overhear while walking beside them. Occasionally, I ask them about the latest things happening. Still, I'm too uncool for them to develop exciting topics. Can I just sit and stay in their five-mile safety zone?

My youngest turned 9 years old, and he will fly a drone for the first time. I have never flown a drone, so I am eager to see how it works. I'm excited to feel like a kid for an hour or so as I get caught up in the addictive laughter.  

My childhood drone was a kite. I still remember trying to select my favorite type or design. But my kite has yet to offer me a real-time view from above like a drone can! I could only use my imagination and wonder what it was like to soar so high. When I longed to see the world from the kite'skite's point of view, I would sneak onto the roof of my house and survey the world around me. 

The drone is small, about the width of a kitchen dish towel. It has four pegs, like a spider, and four upright propellers that spin so fast it sounds like a hundred bees swarming around a honeycomb. It has cameras to capture the moments that feel special as it overlooks what it flies over. Christopher placed the drone on the ground and activated the controls from my smartphone. He was completing a safety check. He then flew that drone so high. Nico marveled, shrieked with laughter, and begged to fly the drone at least once. 

There is a camera at the tip of the drone, and from the camera on my smartphone as high as 240 feet! I stand by and marvel at the video view that displays life so high above me. I wish I could be on top of that drone. The drone telecasts the peace and serenity above the trees and rooftops. How lucky a bird must feel while soaring high above the chaos below. 

The wind is soft, and it gently pushes the drone along my son's path. The wind doing for the drone what I try to do for my 2 boys''. 

The drone sometimes cooperates, and the ride can be bumpy, just like the bumps I hit on the road while raising kids. My frustrations can grow as high as the drone flying, but patience and practice will win the day. At least, I hope. If not, there is tomorrow that will take flight, and hopefully, as their dad, I have learned from the mistakes of yesterday. 

""You guys are never stranded in one place like this 5-mile safety zone you have here. You can fly above everything just like that drone,"" I said.  

They didn't hear me. The flying object, like a UFO, has grabbed all their attention. My kids have yet to appreciate this safety net. Because this moment we are having together is lost in the marvel of technology. But boys will be boys. One day, as an adult, you may read this blog if you remember the view you had from so high up above and find yourself stuck today. Remember, life isn't about a safety zone. Life is about flying high above everything and looking at the world differently. Challenge yourself tomorrow because you have lived through today.

637 words

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