February 29, 2016
Sometimes life, well, it sucks. Many of us living this miracle face many moments of adversity from its twists and turns as life's winding journey sends all of us down its path of uncertainty. Minor setbacks can cause us to feel a microcosm of stress. And those little things can add up. Such as a failed class in school, a resounding "no" to something that we really wanted, or purchasing a future losing billion-dollar lottery ticket that you waited to buy, along with hundreds of millions of other idiots who thought that we had some kind of chance of winning something from a jackpot where the odds of winning were so daunting that the sheer chances of claiming it had math scientist and old ladies laughing at you.
To live is the greatest miracle of all. There are many theories about why we exist and how we were created. From a scientist's theory of evolution across the religious spectrum, there is a higher being to thank. I attempt to look at the bright side to counter my stress of the little things that may hamper my good times in life. I'm happy to live a life with a roof over my head, food in the fridge, and Wi-Fi for all my electronics. These little things are a luxury, and I'm grateful to have them.
Life also has its unsuspecting twists and turns. You're late for work and take a shortcut to cut some much-needed time off your commute, but unknowingly, you drive your car down a dead-end street. There was a math problem you were trying to solve; however, you forgot to remember to simplify. You hire contractors to install new tiles in your home, but he tells you, "Move out for a week." A week passes, but the house tile is incomplete, so you have to try to extend your hotel stay. They don't have any more space to rent, and your money is getting tighter, so you decide to live in the back bedroom and navigate through all the furniture that has been moved around.
"Moving ON!"
Trying to be flexible with these twists can add to the pressure of the seemingly daunting task of remaining calm. Reflecting on those twists and turns, the thought of failure can cause resentment toward life, and I reflect on how unfair it can be. I should not resent not winning the lottery or resent these contractors for adding more stress to my life by not completing their jobs on time. I should not care that there is dust all over my mahogany furniture because those contractors failed to cover everything in my home, causing me to hire someone to assist with cleaning up this dust before my kids write their names on every piece of furniture!
"Chris! Relax."
Oh, OK, turning back to what I was just writing about. I am the only one that can fix how I feel, and I choose to feel good because being miserable sucks.
As I write this blog, I watch two guys tear out my old flooring. As they rip out each plank, the popping sound whips me with pain with the knowledge that I have moved on with my life. It was challenging to move forward. I kicked and screamed, but ultimately, I gave in to change. Change is good. Change is good. Change is good?
Mimie is dead. That circumstance won't change. Instead of continuing on that twist, I have decided to turn on my situation, which involved an entire remolding job inside the home we once shared. Those changes with the house are also causing a change within me. The stress I feel now is nothing compared to my life four years ago. Today, I have decided to take control of myself and simply roll with the twists life can sometimes throw at me.
Until the next twist and turn.
651 words
Captain Imperfecto, 2/26
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