I lost my enthusiasm for Christmas. It's been about five years, but the joy isn't there. I still love seeing the decorations my neighbors have placed outside their houses. I even participate in the activity so my kids will feel included.
So much controversy at this time of year comes out on social media that seems to kill the illusion of a Norman Rockwell holiday. But I wonder if that is the real reason why I'm not that much into the holiday.
The 80-degree weather here in Florida might bring me down. I know what some of my readers will say, "Try shoveling snow for ten hours just for it to snow again." But driving around in the heat all day makes me forget the time of year that it is. Only when the Christmas music plays will remind me that the holiday season is near.
The music will serenade me, allowing me to fall in love with the festive season.
“Feliz Navidad, feliz Navidad!
Feliz Navidad, prospero año felicidad!
Feliz Navidad, feliz Navidad!
Feliz Navidad, prospero año felicidad!
I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!"
When that song is playing on the radio, I'll sing with the English parts and stare out my car window, where I will pay attention to the holiday displays and think to myself.
"Wow, it's Christmas, eh." When the song ends, so does my goodwill feeling.
I can see why kids are in love with this time of year.
The great thing about being a kid is that I didn't care about American politics. As a kid, I didn't judge anyone based on what was right or wrong. I didn't bother to worry about people's religion. I just remember being with my family. Seeing the youth in my parents, hugging my grandparents, comparing presents with my brothers and sisters. We were young, and everyone was alive. It was a happy time for all of us because there was joy in the World on this day. And why not be happy? Everyone had presents!
Now all my grandparents are gone. My siblings are off in their own World, and my parents are too busy figuring out how social media works. I suppose it's social media that takes the wind out of me. Everything in society seems so negative now. What happened to Joy to the World!
Look, I want everyone to appreciate time with the ones they love. Christmas has special meaning for everyone who celebrates it. For me, it's about personal reflection. I'm well aware of the religious meaning behind it. I appreciate that people have strong feelings about this time of year, one way or another. But as I reflect on the past, I find less joy in celebrating happiness when the digital age has taken away so much of the magic I once held as a child.
Hopefully, my egreetings.com Christmas email cards I sent out to everyone will open. Or they have internet. If not, well, it's Christmas, eh.
Nico, Christopher, and I appreciate all the help and support you have shown us over the past year and a half. We have grown to over 20,000-member family. No matter what faith you are. If you have family, don't have family, rich, poor, angry, happy, or sad. I do wish you all the best this time of year. And if there is one thing I can say without offending anyone, Happy New Year. See you all in 2014. I'm on vacation =).
Lyrics Feliz Navidad Written by: Jose Filiciano
Label: RCA, 1970
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